How to Add Players to Your Team

There are two ways to add players to your team:

  1. By Automatic Team Enrollment: If a player receives a special link to your team, (s)he will join automatically by clicking the link.

  2. By Invitations: You can manually add players by sending them emails with invites. Players would confirm joining by following the link within the invite. You can add players to the roster before they confirm.

Automatic Team Enrollment

Players can register via the link that you distribute to them, or via Google/FB authorization. The entire process takes only 30 seconds to complete. Upon registering through the link that you sent, players will automatically join your team.

We encourage registration on the platform as that the platform connects players' performance statistics to their respective profiles.

Here are the required steps:

  1. Go to your club's profile.

  2. Click "Add" in the "Add Players to your Team" section.

  3. Click "Copy Link".

  4. Send the link to your players.

Adding Player's manually

We ask for your players' email addresses in order to link game statistics to the respective players' accounts. Those may be viewed and edited irrespective of a team that a particular player competes for. By providing us with this information, you acknowledge that you read and agreed to our Privacy Policy and ToS, and that you obtained your players' consent to share their personal information with Ultie. Players added to the roster immediately upon dispatch of the invites. We suggest that you ask your players to promptly confirm joining by reviewing and responding to the invite in their email.

Below are required steps:

  1. Go to your club's profile.

  2. Click "Add" in the "Add Players to your Team" section.

  3. Select "Manually".

  4. Enter the players' information.

  5. Click "Save".

Please note that if a player does not confirm her account, (s)he may encounter issues signing waivers which may affect ability to participate in an event.

Additionally, players can apply to join your team without automatic enrollment. In this case, you will need to confirm individual memberships in your club's profile.

Last updated